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Monday, August 30, 2010

Ready, Steady, Cook Challenge: Dessert Apricot Ice Cream spiked w/ Cinnamon & Chile and Chickpea & Apricot Thumbprints

Well....I'm up to the final course in my Ready, Steady, Cook! Challenge menu- Dessert!  And no...I did NOT work green beans into my dessert.  This ice cream sandwich was big enough to split down the middle and share...but you could have made smaller cookies...or eaten the whole thing by yourself.  I mean, you could even just scoop the ice cream into a bowl and eat the cookies on the side if you so desire...I just wanted it this way.  These thumbprints were inspired by the Mantecadas I made recently for my Big, Fat Puerto Rican meal!

Apricot Ice Cream spiked with Cinnamon & Chile
yield: just under a quart

4 eggs
1/2 c. sugar
2 c. milk
1/2 c. Apricot Jam (see Main Course...made enough for both)
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tsp. chipotle chile powder

Beat eggs and sugar until thick and creamy.

In a small heavy saucepan over low to medium-low heat, add milk. Slowly bring milk just to a gentle simmer or until it begins to bubble around the edges. Remove from heat.

Gradually whisk scalded milk into egg mixture....a bit at a time at first to temper it.  Pour it back into the saucepan. Over low heat, stirring constantly, heat until the custard mixture thickens enough to coat the back of a spoon (napé), approximately 7 to 10 minutes.  Carefully stir in the warm jam, cinnamon, and chile powder.  Take off heat and let cool ~1 hour.  

Cover and transfer to refrigerator for a few hours.  Transfer to ice cream maker and process according to manufacturer directions.  

Once your ice cream maker has stopped, sandwich a thick layer of ice cream between two cookies recipe follows, wrap in plastic wrap and freeze until firm.  Or simply eat it as is, or freeze for a firmer ice cream.
Chickpea and Apricot Thumbprint Cookies
yield: ~1 dozen lg. cookies

1 c. flour
1/2 c. chickpea flour*
1/4 c. sugar
pinch salt
pinch cinnamon
4 oz. cold butter, cut into chunks
2 eggs
Apricot Jam (see Main Course...prepared big batch)

Preheat oven to 350° F.  In a large bowl, mix together flours, sugar, salt and cinnamon.  Work the butter in quickly with your fingertips to form a crumbly dough.  Stir in eggs until mixture comes together.

Roll dough into balls the size of golfballs and set on a lined baking sheet.  Press down in the center of the cookie with your thumb.  Place ~1/2 tsp. Apricot Jam in the center of each.

Bake ~25-30 mins., until golden around edges.  Let cool on rack.  Eat as is or use for Ice Cream Sandwich cookies.

*to make Chickpea flour, I ground dried, unsoaked chickpeas in my food processor...adding just a few at a time...adding a few more as they started to turn to powder...until I had as much flour as I needed.  Strain through a sieve to remove any large bits that may not have broken down.

*If you'd like to see everybody else's HERE!

My other two on starter to see my 7 assigned ingredients plus my pantry/free items...


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  1. All I have to say is YUM! Also well done on being the first to finish posting all 3 courses

  2. great dessert - I have put my ice cream maker to work

  3. Gorgeous!

    Would you believe that I have never eaten an icecream sandwich? I must correct that.

  4. Oh my lord. I love the idea of chickpea flour in cookies. First of all.

    Second of all. Next time you take part in this cooking event. I am coming over. You actually don't have a choice.

    So creative Heather!

  5. (laughing at Joanne's comment)-LOL!

    Heather-You did a bang up job on this challenge. Your creativity really shines through with your menu and how well you incorporated everything. I really enjoyed reading all the posts!

    Why hasn't anyone ever talked about apricot ice cream before? Really! That sounds amazing and I love that you sandwiched it with apricot jam thumbprints to bring it all together:)

  6. Another win! I like the chili on the ice cream.

  7. I second the shoutout for the chili in the ice cream - actually perfect. And the ice cream seems super-easy. Might just do that alone. Thanks for the tip on the chickpea flour - it's really expensive here - but chickpeas are not.

  8. Chilli in ice cream n gram flour in cookie..WoW!!..your are just so both of them!!

  9. Que aspecto tan increible tiene esto, se ve total.


  10. Who'd have thought I love these flavor combinations. This ice cream needs a place at my desert table. Love the addition of the chile in the ice cream.

  11. These look delicious. And inventive. I need to get my Gent on making interesting things like this (Heh). I'm far too lazy to make anything this difficult! I'm so impressed! Not to mention drooling a bit...

  12. These look delicious. And inventive. I need to get my Gent on making interesting things like this (Heh). I'm far too lazy to make anything this difficult! I'm so impressed! Not to mention drooling a bit...

  13. Oh Wow! you finished your challenge with this delicious ice cream, I better get started soon.

  14. Now THAT is an ice cream sandwich! Wow! Very impressive.

  15. I was waiting for that dessert goodness, my ass would be the size of a barn if I lived with you cause I'd never stop eating!

  16. wow, chile?! Sounds amazing! Well done!

  17. wow what a delicious looking dessert to have it anytime ..yummy


  18. Wowza! I love that you posted an ice cream recipe as my new ice cream maker just arrived last week. I also loved reading about your Ready, Steady, Cook Challenge. I'm ready for your next one! :o)

  19. wow girl you have been busy, love the series, first to overachiever you..amazing, love the spicy ice cream...


  20. Wow, how unique and so delicious sounding! I would love to try all of them. Recently I heard about jalapeno ice cream, have you tried it?

  21. Holy guacamole heather! Is there No food combo you cant ROCK??? Very interesting and I so want to take a bite! Alex@amoderatelife

  22. you.are.amazing. i've never even heard of chickpea flour. this is an incredible dessert, love it!

  23. Spicie...I have heard of it, but have never tried it...I really want too, though! =)

  24. When I saw that this ice cream had chile in it, I knew I had to check it out! Yum!

  25. The apricot ice cream sounds so lovely and very unique with cinnamon and chile! The cookies must be fantastic too! A terrific creation!

  26. OK, if it is even possible, the meal got even better. What a wonderful combination of flavors! ;-)

  27. That ice cream sandwich cut in half looks awesome. I'm imagining which bite I'd like to take first.

  28. I have never heard of chickpea flour... what are the reasons for using that?
